God's Goodness

Friday, May 8, 2015


Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!  Lord, as the Father has love You, so You love me~~I will continue in your love.  Oh Lord, I cry unto You!  Ever deliver me from the power and course of the world with all it’s subtle distractions and from the powers of Satan with his seducing and deceiving spirits and from the hidden deceptions of my own flesh~~my own self life.  Blow the very dust of my flesh off of me and continue to peel everything off of me that has touched me and influenced me in the past.  Pull back the blankets of darkness and remove the hindrances and blocks, the very ruts and grooves that have found their way into my life.

Cause you fresh anointing to be kindled aflame upon my very spirit and soul and body~~for You.  Smear me with your divine oil for I cast myself upon your mercy; come and rescue me!  I so desire to gaze on You, my Beloved, and serve You in your gift of righteousness.  Your love can never be exhausted, Oh God.

Reach deep into the deeps of my heart and find there and bring forth that which I cannot express, for I so ache and long for that which is hidden and lying dormant, to be awakened within me.  Call me evermore to identify with You and your sufferings in deeper ways, Oh God!  Burst within me to bring me into a new expansion of your spirit and with a fresh abandonment to your love.

Take me by the hand and by the heart and lead me into those unknown places in the spirit with You, to serve You.  I lay before your nail-scarred feet, my love of all loves, and I pour out my soul unto Thee.  Bring me to your original blueprint for my life, I pray!


Together, let us rebuke the enemies of my soul~~You know each one by name!  Bring your vengeance upon them!   And draw me into a deeper intimacy beyond all intimacies~~for your delight.  Bring me, your own, into a sweet communion with You.

I thank You ever and always for You, my love, and for this new and living way!  I know You always hear me and that You know my very heart and every thought.  I take great delight and comfort in that!  Cause me to stand as a pillar in the Kingdom of God, overcoming every obstacle in my path, ready to let You bless those who come into my path of life, ever to touch, to heal, to deliver, to draw, to save!  Blessed Savior, there is none beside You, No, not one!  You are my very life and love and song, by your grace!

Phil. 1:9-10, Phil. 2:13

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