The Path ~~
When all my thoughts seem to swirl with turbulence within my soul
And I cannot stand upon all I thought so true and dear,
It’s then I turn to My Beloved Jesus…
With all my cries for help~~
And all my flowing tears~~
With all my heart.
Jesus, You are My truth
You are My calm
You are My clarity in all
I throw myself at your
Nail-scarred feet.
Have mercy on me
Have compassion on me
Break through to the deep of the deeps of my being
And meet me there and soothe
My troubled soul.
In the secret place where your light shines brightly
On all my dark spots and varied questions,
You show me the straight path…always
You are so committed to being personally faithful
I embrace your love
And I know your heart
Is good and pure
And strong…
You incline yourself toward me.
The clear and plain path comes to me
And opens up to such Beauty~
Is it the answers to all my questions?
Is everything fixed up now, Jesus?
Will it ever seem to all “fit together”?
I perceive You have a higher calling for one such as I
Who is also acquainted with grief and sorrows and sadness.
You embrace all of me~all I’ve suffered~
All I’ve needed forgiveness for~
All the ravages and effects of my poor soul,
Which is precious in your sight.
You assure me that I am in the center of your vision
As You have lovingly worked in me through all.
And I am learning to draw closer
To come deeper~
And receive a richness in You that I yet long for
In our relationship.
To see your radiant beauty
Calling me to trust, yet more
I, too, am called to bring glory to my King!
You truly are in loving charge of every part of me,
That wondrous tapestry of life
With all it’s unexpected twists and turns,
It’s swirls and bumps and bruises and
Pain and fears and terror and …
You are not ashamed of your sufferings and
You are not ashamed of mine as well.
Yes, it is all mysterious
For if you weren’t a Mystery,
Then You would not be the Living God of the Universe!
I thank you again for everything and all
Which You have used and yet use to perform your own
Marvelous wonders of transformation…
That I may become yet another trophy of grace.
Posted on April 19, 2012
I’d like to share a partial list of life happenings that some of you may have experienced. If the Holy Spirit is tugging at your heart, please consider bringing the events to the Lord in His time and at the pace He chooses for you. Please take your time and be careful not to be overwhelmed. In prayer, as well as perhaps being supported by others who are caring true Christians, you can make peace with the issues that have taken place in your lives before our Lord.
Peace List — Everything you need to make peace with in your life. Every bad experience you have either experienced or witnessed. Anything you know had some negative emotional impact at the time it happened.
List just a title of each memory. (Include the emotions you felt during the experience.)
1. Start at Birth, before birth, whats going on with parents, the stories you were told.
2. How siblings & family members felt about you, how they treated you
3. First experiences, list what you can remember or the stories you were told.
4. Any sexual abuse, your first sexual experience
5. Emotional or physical abuse or traumas
6. School experiences, issues with teachers, classmates, etc.
7. Major moves, changing schools
8. Deaths of pets, pet injuries, losses
9. Any romantic relationships, especially first boyfriend/girlfriend
10. Pivotal points in life with parents, siblings, bosses, co-workers, whoever
11. Divorce, relationship breakups, broken friendships
12. Deaths, grief & loss, loss of job, loss of health
13. All hurts, anything you felt bad about when it happened
14. All major medical illness, chronic illness, other medical problems
15. Accidents & injuries
16. Fears/phobias, i.e. Fear of dogs, list each experience to support the fear
Happy Journal — Only good stuff — Some ideas
Perhaps you could choose a nicely bound journal with a cover you like…something you would feel good about when you see it.
1. Positive emotional experiences in detail, with feelings as if you are there
2. Affirmations, words, pictures, cards, poems, anything that feels good
3. Goals & dreams phrased as if you already have it.
4. Gratitude list, what I like about my life
5. GEMS, quotes that have special meaning to you.
This list does not ever exclude our facing what we may feel or think. It does not mean we hide our wrong attitudes or our sins from the Lord. We submit to the Lord in openness and honesty about our humanity and receive His loving forgiveness and comfort and strength and renewal in order to rise up and let Him live through us.
As you read these precious words with your heart, remember that you are also viewing your TRUE BROTHERS AND SISTERS HERE ON THIS EARTH...that is, THE BODY OF CHRIST.
Who I Am In Christ
Biblical Truths to “Practice Believing”
· possession Genesis 17:8/ 1Cor 6:20
· child John 1:12
· workmanship Ephesians 2:10
· friend James 2:23
· temple 1 Cor 3:16/ 6:16
· vessel 2 Timothy 2:2
· co-laborer 1 Timothy 5:18
· witness Acts 1:8
· soldier 2 Timothy 2:3
· ambassador 2 Cor 5:20
· building 1 Cor 3:9
· husbandry 1 Cor 3:9
· minister/instrument Acts 26:16 / 1 Tim 4:6
· chosen Ephesians 1:4
· beloved Romans 1:7/ 2 Thess 2:13
· precious jewel Malachi 3:17
· heritage 1 Peter 5:3
· redeemed by the blood Rev 5:9
· set free from sin /condemnation Rom 8:1-2
· set free from Satan’s control Col 1:13
· set free from Satan’s kingdom Eph 2
· chosen before foundation of world Eph 1:4
· predestined to be like Jesus Ephesians 1:11
· forgiven of all my trespasses Col 2:13
· washed in the blood of the Lamb Rev 1:5
· given a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7
· given the Holy Spirit 2 Cor 1:22
· adopted into God’s family Romans 8:15
· justified freely by his grace Romans 3:24
· given all things pertaining to life 2 Pet 1:3
· given great and precious promises 2 Pet 1:4
· given the ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 1:22
· given authority over the power of enemy Lk 10:19
· given access to God Ephesians 3:12
· been given wisdom Ephesians 1:8
· complete in him Colossians 2:10
· free forever from sin’s power Romans 6:14
· sanctified 1 Cor 6:11
· meet for the Master’s use 2 Timothy 2:21
· loved eternally 1 Peter 1:5 /
· eternally kept in the palm of his hand Jn 10:29
· kept from falling Jude 1:24
· kept by the power of God 1 Peter 1:5
· not condemned Romans 8:1-2
· one with the Lord 1 Cor 6:17
· on my way to heaven John 14:6
· quickened by his mighty power Eph 2:1
· seated in heavenly places Eph 1:3
· the head and not the tail Deut 28:13
· light in the darkness Matthew 5:14
· candle in a dark place Matthew 5:15
· city set on a hill Matthew 5:14
· salt of the earth Matthew 5:13
· his sheep Ps 23 / Psalms 100:3/ John 10:14
· a citizen of heaven 1 Peter 2:11
· hidden with Christ in God Psalms 32:7
· protected from the evil one 1 John 5:18
· kept by the power of God 1 Peter 1:5
· secure in Christ Jn 10:28-29
· set on a Rock Psalms 40:2
· more-than-a-conqueror Romans 8:37
· born again 1 Peter 1:23
· a victor 1 John 5:4
· healed by his strips Is 53:6
· covered by blood of Jesus Rev 12:11, 1 Pet 1:19
· sheltered under his wing Psalms 91:4
· hidden in secret place of the Almighty Ps 91:1
· access to the Father Romans 5:2
· a home in heaven waiting for me Jn 14:1-2
· all things in Christ 2 Cor 5:17
· a living hope 1 Peter 1:3
· an anchor to my soul Hebrews 6:19
· a hope that is sure and steadfast Heb 6:19
· authority to tread on serpents Luke 10:19
· power to witness Acts 1:8
· the tongue of the learned Isaiah 50:4
· the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16
· boldness and access Hebrews 10:19
· peace with God Romans 5:1
· faith as a grain of mustard seed Luke 17:6
· do all things through Christ Philp 4:13
· find mercy and grace to help Heb 4:16
· come boldly to the throne of grace Heb 4:16
· quench all the firey darts Eph 6:16
· tread on the serpent Luke 10:19
· declare liberty to captives Isaiah 61:1
· pray always and everywhere Luke 21:36
· chase a thousand Joshua 23:10
· defeat (overcome) the enemy Rev 12:11
· tread Satan under foot Rom 16:20
· be separated from God’s love Rom 8:35-39
· perish or be lost John 10:28, John 3:16
· be moved Psalms 16:8
· be taken out of my Father’s hand John 10:29
· be charged or accused Romans 8:33
· be condemned 1 Cor 11:32
***He causes us always to TRIUMPH IN HIM*** 2 Cor. 2:14
The Benefit of Using This List
Satan is a liar and the father of it. He deceives the nations and deceives Christians into thinking his lies are true. He is the accuser of the brethren, who accuses us before the throne of God. Zechariah 3 depicts the scene before the throne of God where the saint stands in tattered garments and Satan at his right hand making incessant accusations against him. The Lord steps in by commanding the angel of the Lord to clothe him in new garments clean and white, to put on him aturban. And the Lord declared: “I have caused your iniquity to pass from you, and I will clothe you with change of raiment.”
The Revelation of Jesus Christ declares (Revelation 3:5, Revelation 3:18, Revelation 4:4) that the saints are clothed in white raiment that the shame of their nakedness does not appear.
· Revelation 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
· Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
· Revelation 4:4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
Revelation 12:10 declares that “the accuser of our brothers is cast down, who accused them before the throne day and night.”
Romans 8 is even more emphatic when it says, “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’select? It is God that justifies. Who is he that condemns? It is Christ who died, rose again, and sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us.”
Too often believers believe the lies and accusations of the enemy. They either are ignorant of what God has said or they willingly disbelieve it based on their “feelings.” We do not need to feel anything! God’s truth is God’s truth. “Let God be true and every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4 )
We need to learn who we are in Christ and confess the same out loud. I am what God says I am regardless of how I feel about myself. My feelings cannot change the absolute truth of God’s word. We need to see ourselves in the light of God’s word. Once we have heard and seen God’s truth we are to RECKON it to be so. “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” – Romans 6:11 The word reckon is “logizomai” in Greek, which means to calculate, count it up, logically sum it up as so. Sum up
what God says as true and leave the rest.
My children need purified hearts, Donna~write about it.
My Notes: The important thing is to be purified~to be pure in heart's motives, thereby, you are not giving ground to satan and his emissaries.
Where the enemies see impurities of heart, they are free to work to deceive, to lead astray. Remember they are still out to steal, kill and destroy. Be on guard, children of the Lord, we are still at war each new day. There's never a time we cannot be on guard about taking our stand against these fowls of the air with all of their "new" deceptions.
Ask the Lord where you might be deceived, where you need His Light and illumination to help you come increasingly out of darkness. Nests of deception are ever present among so-called Christians~even those who are broadcasting and posting comments and writing. Beware and be much more aware~go deeper into the Lord for fresh discoveries of where the enemies are hiding out~for where they are swirling about with all their lies counterfeiting tricks IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. Being ever so thankful for each new discovery of their evil workings only increases your deep love for our Great, Living, Loving, Merciful God!
It is important to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to recognize the workings of our enemies~to expose them, so that we can rebuke them and refuse them.
O True and Living God ~ in a miraculous, marvelous way,
As we walk thru
our uncertain concerns of this day and hour
with You leading the way ~
Something incredible takes place . . .
From our very eyes falls our ‘sight’
The eyes we have held so dear ~
our prized perspectives. . .
I see them
fall to the ground ~ we lose them
and we walk upon them ~
They are forever buried in the earth…
Never to be revived again!
Those weighted, deceptive eyes
have fallen…the burdens of our
own opinions, the lies we’ve been fed,
our prideful perceptions, producing false hopes
and emptiness…
How our vision clouded all we viewed . . .
But we are not left without the Truth!
For by the power of Your tender mercies
and Your deep compassions for us,
The clarity of truth begins to form ~
Born of Your Spirit in our hearts
we cry out to You unceasingly,
longing for the truth!
Yes, it is so true!
The truth shall set us free
No matter where that may lead us
In God’s Kingdom!
Ah…truth…how I continue to see
You in a brand new way
And I find it impossible to describe the fresh love
I have for You and Your
unfathomable ways. . .
of transforming us from each ‘world’ we thought
we had obtained into Your open doors.
Gracious Father,
sometimes tenderly, yet always zealously
You wash our eyes,
removing all that competes for our attention.
This gift of the New Eyes…how very precious to behold
anew and ever anew, as though being
born again…and again…and again.
This amazing gift of Yourself…to Your own is awe-inspiring!
To think that no matter what may befall us, we know
that You are truly within us and Your smile of love is upon us. . .
You are a joy to our Blood-bought hearts!
Thank You, Father, for all You reveal to our new, fiery sight. . .
And all you wisely conceal from our New Eyes
as well!
Lover of our ransomed souls ~ I love You beyond description!
Posted on April 15, 2012
Speak to My people and tell them that in spite of their pasts and all that has gone wrong, in spite of attacks, violations to them, sorrows and failures ~ still, I remember they are but dust and I will cause this dust to be changed, transformed ~ to serve Me and worship Me and love Me to the full. Only submit yourselves to be in My loving Presence ~ bask in My loving Presence, wait before Me ~ bow before Me ~ put Me first in all you do. I love you and I will never stop loving you.
Know that I am preparing you for the dark days ahead ~ for persecution ~ for unexpected and sudden trials so that you can stand strong in the evil day and stand strong with Me.
But you must know Me, deeply and intimately in order to stand in a right spirit regarding Me and you enemies and all new surprising situations.
Remember, you are not here to serve yourself or anyone else’s flesh! You are here to serve Me with your love and devotion and thereby shine in the midst of a dark and perverse generation. You are here to be My salt and light. You are here for My purposes. Trust me ~ walk in My patience and thereby save your soul. Walk in My faith for your own will not stand.
Trust Me in all and worship Me through it all ~ even if no one else sees you or acknowledges you or understands that you are indeed worshipping the true and Living God!
(My Note: Through being a true and sincere seeker of God, repentant and worshipful ~ will come fullness of joy and peace and love.
The Living God and only the Living God prescribes what is best for He knows the beginning and the ending. He only is Alpha and Omega. We do not know better and we must live each new day as though we do not know better than our Redeemer, Savior, and Lord. His prescriptions for our lives are the Best!
He is as near as your mouth.
All that I have planned for you is good--you know that and now is the time for all to flow so don't worry, I'm right here with you directing it all. You are a pleasure to Me.
Yes, hold onto the love of the truth that you might not be deceived. Help others to understand true salvation and help others to see the importance of spending time with Only Me--Only Me.
(The inference here regarding Only Me does not exclude us from spending time with the other members of our Lord's Body here on earth or reaching out to others, rather, it means that in choosing to prefer spending time with our Lord in our secret place over our own plans, activities, and even others, we will please the Lord & be rewarded with His wonderful Presence as we worship Him and pour out our love and concerns we will be washed in His love.)