God's Goodness

Friday, April 29, 2011


3 John 3, 4--For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Every worker of the Lord must uphold the absoluteness of the truth.  This is possible only when a man is delivered from himself.  Many brothers and sisters are not absolute for the truth; they are affected by people, things, and personal feelings.  If a man is not absolute to the truth, he will, in the course of his work, sacrifice God's truth for man, himself, or his own desires.  A basic requirement for being a servant of the Lord is to not sacrifice the truth.  We can sacrifice ourselves and our desires, but we can never sacrifice the truth.

The truth is always absolute.  God wants us to uphold the absoluteness of the truth.  If God's Word says something, it is so, no matter who is involvedWe cannot make exceptions just because of some special relationships.  If we do, we are lowering the standard of God's truth.  I am not talking about speaking untruths;  I am talking about sacrificing the absoluteness of the truth.  We cannot forfeit its absoluteness just because someone is our relative.  (my note~or a leader)  We are here to follow the truth, not man, and we are here to maintain the absoluteness of the truth.

What does it mean to be absolute to the truth?  It means to set aside feelings, to ignore personal relationships, and to not stand for the self.  The truth is absolute.  Our personal feelings, relationships, experiences, and encounters should not be mixed up with it.  Since truth is absolute, what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong.  
(Watchman Nee, The Character of the Lord's Worker, pp. 151-54)


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