My Beloved, I am so in love with Your divine intricasies
Which swirl all around me in magnificent power
And yet You always touch me with some of those
Secrets which elate my very soul ~
Who can understand it ~
And yet what Joy Your divine, amazing, wondrous
Glory brings to my heart.
Truly, You are Awesome
And I worship only You ~
Surely, You ARE past finding out
And yet so near ~
Revealing Yourself each new day.
My words are meager and utterly fail
To express the depths of my being ~
Yet, You know…
As no other…
ALL that is within.
My Beloved, I am so in love with Your divine intricasies
Which swirl all around me in magnificent power
And yet You always touch me with some of those
Secrets which elate my very soul ~
Who can understand it ~
And yet what Joy Your divine, amazing, wondrous
Glory brings to my heart.
Truly, You are Awesome
And I worship only You ~
Surely, You ARE past finding out
And yet so near ~
Revealing Yourself each new day.
My words are meager and utterly fail
To express the depths of my being ~
Yet, You know…
As no other…
ALL that is within.
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