God's Goodness

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Inspired by the Lord as I thought of myself in the past & yet even now at times & also as I think of the homeless women who I visit a few times a week in the Emergency Shelters Program.  Jesus truly has called me to become a part of this ministry and I thank Him with my whole heart.


For sure, without You, my King
I would have fallen thru the cracks
A long time ago.
I so remember crying out
To You innumerable times
As I felt myself
Sinking as though I would
Be engulfed by that
Imaginary, yet so seemingly
Real crack underneath
My sore, exhausted body.
And You would come along
And rescue me just in time. . .
Always, just in time.

I am one who strongly desires You
And sorely needs You. . .
For there is no other who knows me
And understands me like You do. . .
No, not one.

And so I come
After You and Your Pure and Perfect Love ---
Limping though I may . . .
I will ever be limping after You,
For there is no other,
No, not one, my King,
My Love, my True Friend.

God of the Limping ones,
I love You so, and I know You love me.

So limp I will and follow hard
After You, my Love
As You lead the way---
Where. . . I do not know
But I trust You with all my heart.

To love You and hear You,
To perceive You is my delight
To see your loving Heart and Hands
At work with my own
So lifts my heart
And I will ever be grateful to You. . .
For I know that no one else
Can awaken them
To Your Love and
So I wait on You with
My trusting heart.
For I know You love them dearly
And You love me. I love You so.

Though I may be a limping one,
You are ever Limitless
In all You are and in all You do
And I know You always see my thoughts
And hear my cries and prayers
And give loving attention to me . . .
So I cast myself on You---
Your Limping child.
I love You so.