God's Goodness

Saturday, April 27, 2013


This is an excerpt from Retah McPherson~~

25April 2013

Maybe you don’t feel like it – BUT STILL FORGIVE!

Ps 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds curing their pains and their sorrows.

I have a chat box day once a month where people around the world phone in. I literally sit down for the whole day listening to people and then go down on my knees to pray for them. My heart breaks as they share their problems and the manifestations they experience. We don’t understand that the battle is in the Spirit. The more I listen, the more I realize why I need to write the book that I am busy with. Even though we don’t have the same situations, we all have the same ‘illness’ – and that is a broken heart.

As I’m working on the book I struggle to decide how to explain these things, because I see how even people close to me are only looking in the flesh and don’t see what is going on in the spirit. Even last night as I was writing I wept and ended on my knees- ‘Abba, You allowed us to walk this journey with Aldo, to see and understand so many things in the Spirit –but people fight these truths Lord, they fight it with all they have!

We have a natural, fleshly drive to fight for what ”I believe in”. How many, many, many tears did I not shed in my life until I finally saw the truth and discovered that I was wrong. Only then did I realize it was my pride - the mixed seed in me - that was fighting the truth! We don’t want to believe that the realm of the spirit is true and real, that our battle is not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. We all fight the truth because of what is still in us. That is why Abba wants us to be free of the mixed seed in us. If you don’t, you will not be able to tell what is wrong from right. The mixed seed prevents it. When you start understanding how Baal operates, then you see Baal’s character in all these fleshly arguments. People will go so far as to say “But God said to me: – it is all right to leave my husband, or - it is all right to compromise, it is all right to have an emotional friend because my wife is not there for me.” Come on! – what God do you serve, which Jesus said that to you? His road is narrow, stop compromising - it will catch up with you.

Jehovah is a righteous and Holy God, whose standards are far above ours. He is a God that loves His creation and offers to us a gift – the thing what we most need –salvation. But, we need to apply it to all the areas of our lives that are still broken and in bondage. Most of the time the pain and the issues you struggle with, comes from a wound. There is a lie in all our wounds - that seals it and keeps it in place. Ask Yeshua to switch on His Glory light over your wounds, to show you the lies, the judgments and also the truths. It is only the Truth that will set you free.

In contrast, Baal offers us his solutions – to make us feel better. These are the things of the world and of the flesh. The abuse, cruelty, manipulation, lust, greed, self-righteousness, strife, pride, jealousy and all the self-justifying we so easily get caught up in. But, these only ensnare us further into sinning against the one true God. If there is still anger and rage in your heart – you have to start by making the choice to forgive. If not, un-forgiveness will be the judgment in your wound becoming the door through which your pain is targeted.

Forgiving from the heart and releasing everyone who has harmed us removes the root of bitterness from our hearts. BUT STILL, THE HEART MUST BE HEALED to prevent the bitterness from returning. YHVH wants to heal the pain changing it into His perfect love -that wonderful, peaceful place in His heart. When I speak of your heart I speak of your inner man, your spirit (the part that relates to YHVH) and your soul, mind and emotions. The painful experiences of our lives are locked into the permanent memory bank of our minds, whether conscious or subconscious. This affects our spirit and can even wound it. These negative, painful experiences stored in our hearts cause us to see, understand and live life according to our experiences and can even control our behavior. These stored and past generational DNA pain causes many people to be bound into negative thought and behavior patterns. For us to walk in freedom these patterns must change - all through the Blood of the Lamb.

I can go on and on – but as long as your pain remains, you will never be able to walk in the fullness of Christ. Your pain is the feeding ground for the enemy –he lives and thrives on it. Start facing the truth of the condition of your heart knowing that Yeshua has paid the full price for your broken heart to be restored.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


The Hypocrisy of Religions

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bible Verses (Recovery Version) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Luke 12:1 ...He began to say to His disciples first, Beware

of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
Matt 23:27 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
For you resemble white-washed graves, which outwardly appear
beautiful but inwardly are full of dead men's bones and all
uncleanness. (28) So you also outwardly appear righteous to
men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Words of Ministry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In 12:1 the Lord gave a warning concerning religious
Actually, all religions lead to hypocrisy. Nowhere
is hypocrisy more prevailing than in religion. Religion is a
field, a realm, for hypocrisy to prevail.
Consider the
hypocrisy in the Jewish religion when the Lord Jesus was on
earth. What hypocrisy there was among the Pharisees, scribes,
and lawyers! In Matthew 23 the Lord pronounced woes upon them
for their hypocrisy.

In 12:1 we see that the religious hypocrisy of the Pharisees
was equal to leaven. In the New Testament leaven signifies
the element of corruption. The Pharisees were false and
practiced falsehood to the uttermost. Their falsehood became
a hypocrisy that was the leaven, the element of corruption,
in the Jewish religion. All of the Lord's disciples were
Jews. Since they all came out of a Jewish source, they had a
deep appreciation of the Jewish religion and a high regard
for the Pharisees. They thought that the Pharisees were those
with a high morality. Therefore, He said to the disciples,
"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy."

In 12:2-12 the Lord went on to tell His disciples that the
hypocrisy of religion would eventually lead to the
persecution of His sincere and honest followers. Religious
hypocrisy always becomes a source of persecution to the
genuine followers of Jesus. As those who would be in the New
Testament jubilee today, we need to beware of the hypocrisy
in religion, for this hypocrisy will become a source of
persecution. As the genuine followers of the Lord are
enjoying the jubilee, they will be opposed by the
hypocritical ones in the hypocritical religion. This
opposition will develop into persecution, a persecution of
the genuine followers of the Lord Jesus who are experiencing
the New Testament jubilee.

Bible verses are taken from the Recovery Version of the Bible
(RcV) and Words of Ministry from Witness Lee, Life-study of
Luke, pp. 246-247. Both are published by Living Stream
Ministry, Anaheim, CA.

Monday, April 8, 2013



All the day I wait on You
With an open heart of love.

And all the day You give to me
With an open Heart of Love.

I was made for You and You were made for me.
We're a pair as Our Father foresaw.

And Our Father is delighted to see His family's love
Hearing Your words as they come from Thee.

Be honored, O God in all, I pray
Be glorified and let me be a testimony of Thee!


April 7, 2013

Life surely has it's challenges.  Each new day has it's battles and it's victories.  God promised to cause us always to triumph in Him and He IS Greater than any problem we experience...NO weapon formed against us will proper and we can rise up and condemn our enemies (those attacking spirits).
But remember that in our sorrow, God wastes nothing and that He is crying with us.  Such a compassionate Savior!   We can trust Him, lover of our souls!

Some thoughts from this message~~What is God accomplishing in this window of time where things seem impossible?  Rather than solving the problems of Martha and Mary, Jesus revealed Himself!  Remember that your pain elicits the heart of God! 

Lord, how do I fulfill YOUR agenda?  He wants us to believe so that we can see the glory of God...see the depth of His love for us and the extent of His power for us.  Praise Him!

Hope is the oxygen of the soul.
When you hit rock bottom, the only direction you can look is up.

From Joni Eareckson Tada–(in speaking of her hell experiences here on earth) I love the part where she says, the splashover of heaven is JESUS in our splashover of hell.