God's Goodness

Saturday, October 6, 2012


  • Heavenly Intercessor


On the knees of my heart
I bow before Thee.

Communing with You
Is always the best part

Humbled before You.
Knowing You love me
And have forgiven me for all~

I utter...secrets in silence
Which only You can hear.



My Beloved, I am so in love 
   with Your divine intricasies
Which are woven all around me 
   in magnificent power~

And yet You always touch me with some of those
Secrets which elate my very soul~

Who can understand it~
And yet what Joy Your divine, amazing, wondrous
Glory brings to my heart.
Truly, You are Awesome 
And I worship only You~

Surely, You are past finding out
And yet so near~
Revealing Yourself each new day.
My words are meager and utterly fail
To express the depths of my being~
Yet, You know...
As no other...
ALL that is within.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Adoration by David Bowman 6 Options Available

Let us go forth therefore unto him outside the camp, bearing his reproach.

I come to You, O Supreme King
Outside the camp
Bearing Your reproach
For here I have no rest, no city
For I look for the New City from Above.

Gazing up into Your loving Face
I whisper from the silence of my heart...
"You're all I need,"
"You're all I desire."

Wrap me up in Your embrace
For You and You alone
Are my rest.
In You I hide~
So sweetly leaning on Your breast
Fully satisfied~~always.