March 17, 2012
This is a simple meditation on the Love of God which transforms us. Since His Love encompasses all of His attributes, i.e., power, care, comfort, forgiveness, graces, favors, compassions, mercies, faithfulness, patience, healing, etc., we can depend on His Divine Love to surely transform us. Bless His wonderful Name!
Transforming Love~~
The Love of God~~transforms. So bask in His Love, Wait upon Him, Wait for Him and You will reap the miracles of His Hand~~this is the way. Take heart, take courage. Walk in renewed hope and trust. You are free to bask in His Love and to enjoy Him, so let Him transform you all along your journey with Him…He has His perfect timing & perfect way for you Remember and believe it with all your heart that you are His purchased possession, bought by His own precious, living, Blood.
See the smile of Love fall upon you like the rays of warm, glistening sunshine. He will transform you for His Blood is everlasting…it saves and heals and delivers and redeems. But have a single eye on His Love for you and be not distressed, even by your need of change. The most important thing is your intimacy with the Living God~~this is our beautiful privilege~~to love and be loved by the only satisfying Love there truly is…all through the Lover and Savior and Redeemer of your soul~~Jesus Christ.