I went to my grandson’s graduation ceremony recently and in scanning the crowd of many different kinds of people, I spotted a Muslim woman covered in her Burka from head to toe. Every part of her was covered and even her hands were gloved. It looked as though her eyes were covered with a thin veil. This site impressed me and immediately I experienced certain feelings and all manner of visions and words describing the Muslim religion flooded my mind. Words like, Koran, Hadith, Ramadan, wife beating, four marriages for the men, easy divorce for the men, the ludicrous beliefs regarding the men’s rewards of 72 virgins and alcohol in paradise, bondage and sorrow for the wives, strange verses in the Koran, Islam, Jihad, Islamic law, Muslims’ encroaching growth here in our land, radical Muslims, deception, LOST, etc. etc. I found myself feeling quite sorry for this woman and her bondage to this religion, which may have been for her entire life. Here is a photo of a couple of women in their burkas.
Of course, her husband looked like any other male in his appearance with his dress, so he melded right into the rest of the audience.
I began to meditate on this very visible display of this woman’s religion, which could not be avoided. The Burka, the outward symbol of her religion, spoke much in the way of describing this woman’s faith and her beliefs and her way of life, i.e., if she even followed it! I’ve read enough true stories written by former Muslims, who left Islam and found Jesus Christ, to tell you that many do not follow what they are supposed to follow, certainly not in heart or mind, by any means. And I can tell you that this is true because I have dealt with a Muslim family for a number of years and have witnessed their way of life.
The lostness of this woman struck me most of all! Just one woman in a burka set my mind spinning as I viewed the audience and thought about how the others did not stand out as this woman did, yet the majority of them were just as LOST as this woman was! I would venture to say that most of them considered themselves to be Christians although there was no visible signs as with the Muslim. Oh there were lots of other signs, that spoke loudly regarding their agreement with the world and it's ways, such as immodest dress to the max, empty and foul language, plans for the night’s parties, etc. But the lostness of these people was so much more deceptive because they automatically assume that they are going to be admitted into Heaven because they are ‘good’ people! So they think!
Christianity~~it looks good! We have the beautiful buildings where people can go each Sunday plus other days of the week, and you can even dress any way you want to now. We have finely dressed teachers and preachers, too. It looks good! We have Christian retreat places where all denominations can gather together to hear the "best" or "latest" speakers. The retreat is replete with books, CD's, DVD's, gifts and more in their stores. We have special speakers who fly in from all over the world. It looks good! We have fellowship meetings, pot luck dinners, picnics, sports teams, movie nights, youth fellowship, and how about those rock--metal--hip-hop--rap music bands, lights and concerts drawing in the youth. It looks good! Oh, but the Christian bookstores are the best! Wait, there's more--how about all those 12 step recovery meetings which are sure to bring about your inner healing? It looks good! And the church claims to be 'in order'. It looks good! Then there's all those Christian skits and dramas to enjoy. It looks good! Then we have Christian coffee houses, Christian clubs, Christian dating, Christian dances, Christian tolerance. Come on, it looks good! Youth camps! Now there's something that excites our youth! Why we even have church lock-ins for our youth. It looks good! And how about all those missionaries who travel far and wide to spread what looks good. No wait, we have the good works--for sure, that's a good thing. We do visitations, we try to help others get more involved with our church work, we usher, we collect the tithes and offerings, we order flowers for the church, we print bulletins, etc. It looks good! And the Christian church is emerging and is seeker friendly, too. It looks good! Wow! even labyrinths and candles and images and 'new age', gnostic teachings. It looks good! And they are free to play video games and play the "dungeons and dragons", World of Warcraft," and "Runescape." Here we go, taken right from a site to promote RPG's. http://www.ehow.com/info_8207632_roleplaying-activities-church-youth.html "For example, the parable of the Good Samaritan transforms into the story of a gay student attacked by a group of intolerant classmates. The Pharisee becomes a teacher too busy to stop and the Levite converts to a school administrator. Students explore how they might react to a real situation and the cost of action.
That can't be all that bad, can it? It looks good! Puppets and magic and games galore, even computer games. It looks good! And how about all these New Apostles and prophets, teachers and leaders to lead the sheep?! My that looks pretty good, too!
2 Timothy 2:4
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
The TRUTH IS THAT THE CHURCH IS IN THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS IN THE CHURCH!!! Now let's take a look at all these things that 'seem to look so good' from the eyes of our Lord and His Word.
So we have the beautiful buildings that have phallic symbols and images of "Jesus" that are pagan images plus the upkeep of the building for the sake of everyone who attends. It's just another financial burden for many of the members. It's supposed to make one feel good. After all, the stained glass windows and altars are very impressive to the human soul, but it does not matter to the Lord God!
Now we can dress anyway we choose to and that includes immodest dress. If people are aware of God's Presence, shouldn't they be aware of their appearance before Him? I question their awareness of the true and living God.
We are supposed to have the best of preachers, especially of the mega-church, but are there any real prophets, warning the people of their demise? Just how do the majority of these preachers and their families live since they are obviously a part of this wicked world?!
We have retreat places that only breed all manner of doctrines of demons, focus on fun and food and conversations about anything you can think of. Merchandising of the people big time through all the continual sales of so-called Christian products. Pleasing to the Lord? I think not!
The best of all the looking good has got to be the gems, feathers (of angels) and the gold dust that is falling from heaven (really?) For sure, the devil is laughing along with all his demons at this deception that is rampant all over the earth, as people are in 'awe' of these phenomena. I heard that a pastor, and I know there are others as well, who just hold onto the gems instead of selling them to help the poor, whom Jesus held near to His Heart. Of course, the LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL evil and there again we see materialism as a magnet pulling people from their senses (spiritual and natural) to that which is appealing to their soul realm, namely, RICHES. James also stated that the poor were rich in faith. Now that is what brings pleasure to the Lord's Heart.
How about fellowship, dinners, picnics, sports teams, movie nights, youth fellowship? LOTS OF FUN, FUN, FUN! Looks like the King of kings is left out there in the cold here as well! How grieved He must be!
The music just has to be good, doesn't it? Once again, where is the Spirit of God leading any of this music and where does it lead the people to? Why is standing for an hour or more such a good thing as people chant the same words over and over again only to bring them to an altered state of consciousness to become more receptive of whatever messages are given? Who needs rock, rap, hip-hop, metal music when that's what the world has to offer?! Why are there flashing colored lights emanating from the stages? Then there are the puppet shows and the magic shows--world, world, world! Ummmm seems the world in one with the church and the church is one with the world!
How about these Christian bookstores that are loaded with all manner of fiction, horror, teen books, CD's, heavy metal, rock, hip-hop CD's & DVD's
--all drawing people AWAY from the True Savior of our souls! Vestments and robes and gold toned cups and candlelabra, the round wafers which orginated with Babylon and the sun god worship! And then there are the self-help books and the 12-step books that lead people to a never ending merry-go-round with no real inner healing. Expensive gifts that really have nothing to do with our Lord or His Word fill these stores. What a disservice these so-called Christian stores are as well as grieving the Holy Spirit!
And do we need skits and dramas that only feed the soulishness and flesh of the performers and the audience?! I think not!
The "Christian" coffee houses and clubs and dating and dances all lead to lukewarmness, tolerance, worldliness, soulish relationships, yet these are the norm of the day!
Do we need teen lock-ins where the teens stay up on night and drink sugar sodas and then are in an altered state the next day to be controlled or manipulated with any message that's presented or to not hear or be able to respond to anything at all.
Since we are in the world but not of it, should any Christian partake of anything political? How can this allegiance to government leaders who are pro-war, pro-abortion, anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-righteousness, be the leading of the Holy Spirit?!
And when the Lord God said that He looked on the heart in 1 Samuel, He was NOT saying what the church teaches, i.e. that the heart is good, on the contrary, He was saying that He sees that the heart is evil!
We don't need any self-appointed new apostles and prophets; we need to follow the apostles and prophets that our Lord gave us in the scriptures and in the New Testament.
The key is to truly be regenerated and truly love and follow Jesus Christ theough obedience, having a broken (open) heart and a contrite spirit. We must repent as the Holy Spirit shows us as we journey with the Lord on this narrow way.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
On a deeper level, the 'church' is actually a part of the system of Babylon which the Lord God condemns throughout His Word. See Jeremiah chapters, 50 and 51. Dimitru Duduman prophesied against America-Babylon and the American church when he warned many churches of the vision that God gave to him. Still, the vast majority of people have not awakened and the vast majority of them will not awaken. I pray that you, the reader, will be one of those who is willing to seek the Lord and find Him and be awakened and alert so you, too, can be spared of the spiritual consequences of Babylon. Just read Jeremiah and Isaiah. God shares in these books the judgments that Babylon received so that we can see the assurance of those judgments upon us as well! We must be separate and separate ourselves from those who claim to be Christians but are not. See
1 Timothy 6:20-21--Amp. (speaking of the declining church)
O Timothy, guard and keep the deposit entrusted [to you]! Turn away from the irreverent babble and godless chatter, with the vain and empty and worldly phrases, and the subtleties and the contradictions in what is falsely called knowledge and spiritual illumination. [For] by making such profession some have erred (missed the mark) as regards the faith. Grace (divine favor and blessing) be with you all! Amen (so be it).
2 Timothy 3:1-5--Amp. Speaking of the declining church
1BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear].
2For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane.
3[They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, troublemakers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good.
4[They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God.
5For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].
http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/wishfulthinking.html MANY FALSE DOCTRINES presented along with THE TRUTH OF THE BIBLE.
An unholy church! it is useless to the world, and of no esteem among men. It is an abomination, hell's laughter, heaven's abhorrence. The worst evils which have ever come upon the world have been brought upon her by an unholy church." - C.H. Spurgeon
"Christians don't tell lies - they just go to church and sing them." - A.W. Tozer"Get rid of this bunkum about the 'carnal Christian'. Forget it! If you're carnal, you're not saved." - Leonard Ravenhill
"The chief danger of the church today is that it is trying to get on the same side as the world, instead of turning the world upside down. Our Master expects us to accomplish results, even if they bring opposition and conflict. Anything is better than compromise, apathy, and paralysis. God give to us an intense cry for the old-time power of the Gospel of the Holy Ghost!" - AB Simpson
"All God's giants have been weak men, who did great things for God because they believed that God would be with them." - Hudson Taylor
"Controversy for the sake of controversy is sin; controversy for the sake of truth is a Divine command." - Dr. Walter Martin
I cannot believe in the spirituality of any Christian man who keeps an eye open for the approval of others, whoever they may be. The man after God's own heart must be dead to the opinion of his friends as well as his enemies. He must be willing to cross important persons as obscure ones. He must be ready to rebuke his superior as quickly as those who may be beneath him on the ecclesiastical ladder. To reprove one man in order to gain the favor of another is no evidence of moral courage. It is done in the world all the time. We'll never be where we should be in our spiritual lives until we are so devoted to Christ that we ask no other approbation than His smile. - A.W. Tozer
People are disturbed and troubled by the real Gospel: under the false gospel they can sleep unto destruction. Bring out the Sword: it is meant to wound; let it exercise its salutary sharpness. The Gospel has two edges so that none may play with it. When they think to run their fingers along the back of it, they will find themselves cut to the bone. Whether we regard its threats or promises it cuts as sin. Let us therefore know that the power of the Church does not lie anywhere but in the Word as Jesus Himself speaks it. - Charles Spurgeon.
There are but two ways right and wrong, good and evil; the way to heaven and the way to hell; in the one or other of these all are walking: there is no middle place hereafter, no middle way now. All the children of men are saints or sinners, godly or ungodly. See concerning the way of sin and sinners, that the gate is wide, and stands open. You may go in at this gate with all your lusts about you; it gives no check to appetites or passions. It is a broad way; there are many paths in it; there is choice of sinful ways. There is a large company in this way. But what profit is there in being willing to go to hell with others, because they will not go to heaven with us? The way to eternal life is narrow. We are not in heaven as soon as we are got through the strait gate. Self must be denied, the body kept under, and corruptions mortified. Daily temptations must be resisted; duties must be done. We must watch in all things, and walk with care; and we must go through much tribulation. And yet this way should invite us all; it leads to life: to present comfort in the favour of God, which is the life of the soul; to eternal bliss, the hope of which at the end of our way, should make all the difficulties of the road easy to us. This plain declaration of Christ has been disregarded by many who have taken pains to explain it away; but in all ages the real disciple of Christ has been looked on as a singular, unfashionable character; and all that have sided with the greater number, have gone on in the broad road to destruction. If we would serve God, we must be firm in our religion. Can we often hear of the strait gate and the narrow way, and how few there are that find it, without being in pain for ourselves, or considering whether we are entered on the narrow way, and what progress we are making in it?—Matthew Henry Concise
Retha's paraphrase of Rev. 3:15-16--
"Laodicea, you are a spineless, useless bunch! You want to serve God, but refuse to give up on mammon. You tithe when it is convenient, and attend church Sunday after Sunday so that others can see your piety. You are so religious and always eager to help a good cause, focusing on human rights and tolerance, instead of on Me. You are always looking for happiness in some worldly pleasure. And then you fool yoursleves into thinking that you can bribe Me with what little time you can spare for Me. You are self-centered and refuse to change...God's answer..."I'll spit you out of my mouth!" ...The problem with the church in Laodicea...is that they were not moved by the Holy Spirit."
Does any of this sound familiar to the day in which we now live?!
Here are a few quotes from Carter Conlon's most recent newsletter entitled: When Sin and Religion become Friends~July 2011~As you read them, bear in mind that he is speaking of the church of Jesus Christ!FROM MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY:
There are but two ways right and wrong, good and evil; the way to heaven and the way to hell; in the one or other of these all are walking: there is no middle place hereafter, no middle way now. All the children of men are saints or sinners, godly or ungodly. See concerning the way of sin and sinners, that the gate is wide, and stands open. You may go in at this gate with all your lusts about you; it gives no check to appetites or passions. It is a broad way; there are many paths in it; there is choice of sinful ways. There is a large company in this way. But what profit is there in being willing to go to hell with others, because they will not go to heaven with us? The way to eternal life is narrow. We are not in heaven as soon as we are got through the strait gate. Self must be denied, the body kept under, and corruptions mortified. Daily temptations must be resisted; duties must be done. We must watch in all things, and walk with care; and we must go through much tribulation. And yet this way should invite us all; it leads to life: to present comfort in the favour of God, which is the life of the soul; to eternal bliss, the hope of which at the end of our way, should make all the difficulties of the road easy to us. This plain declaration of Christ has been disregarded by many who have taken pains to explain it away; but in all ages the real disciple of Christ has been looked on as a singular, unfashionable character; and all that have sided with the greater number, have gone on in the broad road to destruction. If we would serve God, we must be firm in our religion. Can we often hear of the strait gate and the narrow way, and how few there are that find it, without being in pain for ourselves, or considering whether we are entered on the narrow way, and what progress we are making in it?—Matthew Henry Concise
Retha's paraphrase of Rev. 3:15-16--
"Laodicea, you are a spineless, useless bunch! You want to serve God, but refuse to give up on mammon. You tithe when it is convenient, and attend church Sunday after Sunday so that others can see your piety. You are so religious and always eager to help a good cause, focusing on human rights and tolerance, instead of on Me. You are always looking for happiness in some worldly pleasure. And then you fool yoursleves into thinking that you can bribe Me with what little time you can spare for Me. You are self-centered and refuse to change...God's answer..."I'll spit you out of my mouth!" ...The problem with the church in Laodicea...is that they were not moved by the Holy Spirit."
Does any of this sound familiar to the day in which we now live?!
...it is the constant struggle between either serving God or serving ourselves as god. It is possible to have a clear vision of what is of true value, yet still choose to set our affections on something we know to be potentially harmful...Satan was in the presence of God and had an unrestricted view of the perfect Light...however, these very gifts from God corrupted him...For example, people with brilliant minds become absolutely corrupted by that intellect, using the thought process to stray farther and farther away from the kingdom of God...Just as Satan had unrestricted view of the Lord, we...have the Holy
Spirit within us, enabling us to understand the Scriptures and discern between right and wrong. So in another measure, we too have an unrestricted view of God. That means if we want truth, we can have it; if we want freedom, it can be ours; if we want life, it is promised...Even with the pureness of that Light before him, Satan chose another pathway, following his own reasoning. He began to chafe at what he considered to be narrowness, convinced that he knew a better way. He mistakenly believed that he could be his own god, create his own reality, and live by his own concept of right and wrong...Cast out of heaven, Satan then came down to Adam and Eve and sowed his own logic into the human race...In his own mind, Satan had become god, the same danger you and I face today. He sowed into all of humanity this desire to be as God~~to create our own concept of good and evil...Rom. 1:25, 28--"...they worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator...and God gave them over to a reprobate mind..."A reprobate mind means corrupt thinking, a crooked mind...after years of refusing to obey God, it is almost as if their thinking cannot be straightened. They choose instead to worship the thoughts of their own hearts, and sin and religion eventually become friends, bringing them to a place where they begin to call evil good..There is no greater darkness than when that which is inwardly corrupt takes on a COVERING OF RELIGION...Mat. 23:33--"You serpents,...In other words, (Jesus said) "You have so covered yourselves in corruption and religion that you have bought yoursleves a ticket to hell. How will you escape? How will you change/ You have embraced this corrupted reasoning fo Satan, covering death and decay with fine clothing and sweet religious words, but inwardly you hate God!"...John 8:44--"You are of your father the devil,..." ...Now you are entrenched in a wrong way of thinking, leaving you with two alternatives--either you will repent of your sin, or you will kill the voice that has been sent to draw you to the presence of God...Unfortunately, many people reach a place where they sit in the house of God, having put on a covering of religion while embracing a wrong view of God and His ways...Do you not understand the power of your own heart to deceive you? Each of us has an inner capability to walk away from God and develop completely corrupted scriptural reasoning around it. BEAR IN MIND THAT IT WAS THE MOST RELIGIOUS NATION ON EARTH THAT CRIED OUT FOR THE DEATH OF THE SON OF GOD...It is important to realize that the light shone in a religious darkess--THAT was the religious darkness that didn't comprehend it. Isn't it strange that the lepers comprehended it, the prostitutes responded to it, and even the dead could har it? Yet religion has a certain death about it, making it almost impossible to hear the voice of God...You will not be in darkness if you are singly focused,...saying, "Lord, whatever You say is wrong, I will regard as wrong; and whatever You say is right, I will follow. By Your Spirit I will do what You ask me to, and wherever You lead me, I will follow."...There is a distinct call to each of us, and this is where we will either cover sin with religion, or throw off that false garment...saying, ..."I will not create a religion in my own heart that allows me to move in the direction of death, thinking it is life..."...As we make the choice to do things God's way, allowing no friendship between sin and religion in our lives,...it will be joy and strength, direction in the storm, provision in famine, victory in battle."
Excerpt from Paul McGuire:
The Department of Homeland Security issued a video portraying the "white Middle Class" as terrorists! According the DHS, if you are a Bible believing Christian, believe in the traditional family, believe in Bible prophecy, believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God you are a terrorist! You hear over and over again in the media. Killers who open fire on children and the innocent are fundamentalist Christians. Even though often times they are radical leftists and deeply involved in the occult!
Mind control and propaganda through the mass media! Before Hitler sent the Jews to the camps he first demonized the Jews in the media. The same thing is happening in America, Bible believing Christians and Jews are being demonized once again and yes, they have built camps. You doubt that? Do your homework there is evidence. ...A lot of these leaders who are hiding the truth from their people and think they are playing it safe are in for a very rude awakening. History has shown us over and over again in Communist China, Communist Russia and Nazi, Germany that they are going to come for you!
By Chuck Baldwin
August 17, 2011NewsWithViews.com
August 17, 2011NewsWithViews.com
It is no hyperbole to say that the vast majority of today's churches do not remotely resemble the New Testament pattern. In the first place, the Church was never intended to be a government corporation! Yet, that is exactly what every 501c3 non-profit "religious" organization is: it is a government-created corporation. In the eyes of the government, pastors, elders, and deacons are not pastors, elders, and deacons; they are corporate officers. And put to the test, virtually any and all of these so-called "pastors," "elders," and "deacons," will confirm that they are corporate officers. So, right out of the gate we must understand that we are dealing with government corporations and corporate officers, not with New Testament churches, pastors, elders, and deacons.
Pray tell, where do you find anything in the New Testament about churches joining with the State, or being incorporated by the State, or being required to submit to the State? It's not there! The 501c3 corporation status has turned the Lord's Church into mere creatures of the State.
Therefore, please remember, when you "worship" inside these government corporations, when you give your tithes and offerings to these government corporations, you are NOT supporting "the Lord's work." You are supporting the work of the State. You might as well be paying taxes; it amounts to virtually the same thing. The same is true for all these TV preachers. They are all 501c3 incorporated!
This is why many pastors do not speak out on the burning issues of the day. This is why neither he nor his church will take a stand for anything. This is why he won't "get involved in politics." He is a corporate officer of the State, and he will not jeopardize his standing as such.
I don't care how "nice" the preacher is! It matters not how knowledgeable you think he is of the Scriptures. It doesn't amount to a hill of beans if he knows Hebrew and Greek and how many degrees he has behind his name. If he is a corporate officer of the State, he will never preach the "whole counsel of God;" he will never be willing to stand in front of his congregation and tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help him God." He won't do it! Why? He knows he is a State corporate officer, and he knows where the line is drawn. Ditto for the church deacons and trustees (I mean, corporate officers) that support him.
If the so-called "Religious Right" would get as excited about replacing these government-toadies (called pastors) that we have in our "churches" and putting honest-to-God, tell-it-like-it-is, fearless prophets in their pulpits as they are about replacing a "liberal" and putting some so-called "conservative" Republican in the White House, we really could have revival in America! The problem is not the White House; the problem is the church house!
Is it any wonder that the donor base for these religious-talking Republican politicians is mostly identical to the donor base for these religious-talking government corporations called churches? They are Siamese twins! This is why the "Religious Right" will never offend the GOP establishment: they are both sucking from the same teat! And the sow providing the milk for both is the federal government, via its non-profit corporation status, corporate welfare programs, and endless cash for the Warfare State.
Just look at the behavior of the people attending these government corporations. What do you see? Gossip, slander, backbiting, nosiness, jealousy, resentment, bickering, judgmentalism, and downright hatred is rampant! Church splits are commonplace. These government corporation "Christians" will betray their brothers and sisters for far less than thirty pieces of silver.
The motivating factor for most of these government corporations is the same as it is for private corporations: money. Money drives everything they do. The workshops, seminars, how-to manuals, etc., are all geared to making these government corporations more attractive and appealing to the donor base. Just as Jesus said to the moneychangers in His day, these corporate officers have turned God's House into "a den of thieves."
Why is it that today's pastors and Christians are so clueless to what is happening in front of their eyes? They say they are "preaching the Gospel." But they aren't. What they are doing is pulling the wool over people's eyes by refusing to sound the alarm! Why is it that as soon as the final "Amen" is spoken at the end of a "worship service," the first thing out of the mouths of most of the men in attendance is something about sports? Why is it that so many "Christian" women spend dozens of hours each week searching the Internet in pursuit of whatever sordid information is floating around out there about their "friends" and fellow church members? It seems that today's Christians are so ignorant of true Biblical friendship, fellowship, and brotherhood that they don't know what to do with it even when they find it! Christian betrayal is epidemic!
A genuine New Testament church follows Jesus' instruction to love one another. A New Testament church yearns for genuine Christian fellowship and brotherhood. A New Testament church prefers one another and honors one another. A New Testament church desires truth--even when it's painful. And yes, a New Testament church is willing to die for one another!
I have spoken with Russian Christians who endured the "purging" under Joe Stalin. They told me about KGB agents bursting into a church service with fully automatic weapons demanding to know who the pastor was. They told me how when this happened, every man in the congregation raised his hand. They told me about how when government agents took men at gun point from the congregation, elderly ladies were laying in front of the government vehicles. Can one imagine this scene taking place in today's churches?
I can see it now: government agents demand to know who the pastor is, and every man in the congregation points AT THE PASTOR! Government agents haul men out of the church and the old women applaud and get patriotic goose bumps as they are taken away.
All across the Christian spectrum, people are beholden to the state. Welfare checks, government pension checks, corporate welfare checks, food stamps, medical benefits, etc., etc., ad infinitum. "My God shall supply all your needs"? Who needs that promise? We have the state to take care of us! "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof"? Irrelevant! We don't even know how to recognize evil when we see it. "Give us this day our daily bread"? Antiquated rubbish easily explained away by our brilliant corporate officers in the pulpit. "Blessed are the peacemakers"? Forget it! "Conservative," evangelical Christians and preachers today are the biggest cheerleaders, proponents, and apologists for spreading war, mayhem, and death all over the world!
I would dare say that most of today's churches and pastors have never given a second thought to what the "church" is. The church is not a building. The church is not programs and musicals, and socials and recreational theme parks. The church is not restaurants and bookstores. The word "church" means "called out assembly." Called out from what? Called out from state governance and control; called out from worldly philosophies and principles; called out from bondage and tyranny. That's what!
Need I remind my brothers and sisters that the first reference, chronologically, to the "church" is found in Acts 7:38 where Stephen gave tribute to "the church in the wilderness"? Why was the church in the wilderness? God had called it out of Egyptian bondage. Hence, the word "church," meaning "a called out assembly."
So, where is the called out assembly today? It has left nothing! The assembly gathers together under the auspices of, and in the name of, the state. It grovels before the state. It gears its messages to the pleasure of the state. It keeps its congregants in the dark to the illegalities, improprieties, and criminalities of the state. It seeks the state's approval and approbation. And when called upon by the state, it will betray or sell out any preacher, prophet, or Christian brother or sister.
You who say you love God, you who say you know what's going on and are concerned about your children's future, you who say you desire truth, how can you continue to support these 501c3 government corporations with your attendance and with your tithes and offerings? You are called to "come out." So, why don't you? These government corporations are in bed with Babylon. And Babylon is not our friend. It is enslaving saints all over the world. It is persecuting the Bride. It is making war with God's children. It is drunk with the blood of pilgrims and patriots! How dare you sleep in the same bed with her?
How did the Holy Spirit conclude the Book of Revelation? By commanding us, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4)
This unholy alliance between the Lord's Church and Caesar, between the Body of Christ and Beelzebub, between the fellowship of God and the fellowship of Satan is plaguing our nation, our families, and our future. "Come out of her, my people."
It may sound strange to some but the gospel message is focused on God's purpose and NOT on man's needs and desires. That doesn't mean that He is uncaring or unconcerned about our needs. Not at all. It just means that we need to see everything in the light of His revealed purpose and not what we think we need and want. He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). He must have had a reason. He must have had something particular in mind in so endowing us.
Cor. 4:4-5 --The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
The wide gate and the broad way simply represent all of the false teachings that convey to people the idea that they can go to heaven without actually surrendering to Christ as Lord. They would probably be ready to fight to defend the doctrine that Jesus is Lord but in practical reality He is not their Lord. Self is on the throne before they go through the wide gate and remains there all the way to the judgment. Going through the narrow gate means that Jesus who IS Lord becomes MY Lord.
To put it another way, God has not given us a religion, but a Person. Our hope lies not in obeying precepts and commandments but in opening our innermost beings--our hearts--to receive that Person for all that He is, and that starts with the fact that He is Lord. Is He your Lord?
It may sound strange to some but the gospel message is focused on God's purpose and NOT on man's needs and desires. That doesn't mean that He is uncaring or unconcerned about our needs. Not at all. It just means that we need to see everything in the light of His revealed purpose and not what we think we need and want. He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). He must have had a reason. He must have had something particular in mind in so endowing us.
Cor. 4:4-5 --The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
The wide gate and the broad way simply represent all of the false teachings that convey to people the idea that they can go to heaven without actually surrendering to Christ as Lord. They would probably be ready to fight to defend the doctrine that Jesus is Lord but in practical reality He is not their Lord. Self is on the throne before they go through the wide gate and remains there all the way to the judgment. Going through the narrow gate means that Jesus who IS Lord becomes MY Lord.
Think about it! The essence of the sin problem is that we are rebels. Any gospel that does not begin with surrender--an end to our rebellion--is no gospel at all. It is deception. That is why the very beginning of Paul's message was simply Christ, and more specifically, that Jesus Christ is Lord. There is no way around that. Men will either reckon with Him here in surrender or they will reckon with Him there in judgment. Those are the only choices.
To put it another way, God has not given us a religion, but a Person. Our hope lies not in obeying precepts and commandments but in opening our innermost beings--our hearts--to receive that Person for all that He is, and that starts with the fact that He is Lord. Is He your Lord?
In warning the Corinthians against false ministries Paul describes them as, “false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness.” 2 Cor. 11:13-15. The devil wouldn’t accomplish much if he approached Christians as a “devil of darkness”! No! His aim is that men should receive him and his servants as heaven-sent.
Consider some of the great religious personalities of our day in the light of Paul's simple words in 2 Cor. 4:5 -- "For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake." "We do not preach ourselves...." Christ was the center of Paul's message. Paul was just a servant – a slave. He saw Christ as the only One worthy of being the center of attention. God's great man of the hour -- of every hour -- is Christ and Christ alone. Something is not right when human personalities usurp His rightful place.
Pride is very much at the heart of such a spirit. Religion is full of pride. Religious leaders readily bask in the praise of men and gullible followers just as readily heap it on them.
Another characteristic that often accompanies deception is a spirit of self-will. When a religious leader refuses to listen to anyone else but rather imposes his will on everyone around him, something is very wrong. That too is a tactic of control and is rooted in fallen human nature and not in the Spirit of Christ. Of course this characteristic could also apply to more than one who exercise control together.
Another major area of Satan's attack concerns the message that is proclaimed. What is it that is preached and believed? Is it "the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints" (Jude 3) or something else? Just because something is labeled "Christian" and the Bible is quoted doesn't necessarily mean it is "the faith" to which Jude referred. Satan loves to promote his lies under the banner of biblical truth. The truth, however, is all but buried in many places in our day under an avalanche of religious lies.
And Paul wasn't exactly shy in his defense of the truth. In Gal. 1:6-8 he wrote, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!" Paul actually wished that God would cast these false teachers into hell!
Far too often the truth of "Jesus Christ and him crucified" has been reduced to a trite religious formula that people rush by to get to what they really want. They have no real understanding of the message. They get "saved" without ever truly knowing, as a result of Holy Spirit conviction, what it is to be lost They join churches and profess to be followers of Jesus despite manifestly unchanged hearts. They seek happiness, fulfillment, meaning, fellowship, healing, signs and wonders, success, recognition and praise from men, etc. These self-centered goals play a large part in where they "go to church" while they miss what Paul was talking about completely. Paul understood that...
Excerpts from Sodom Had No Bible by Leonard Ravenhill~~
From the chapter, We Need a Baptism of Holy Anger
Paul was angry at the power of false religion to delude the people.
Paul was angry at the reckless devotion...to powerless gods.
Paul was angry at the staggering wealth sacrificially given to build
temples to frauds.
Paul was angry that Christ was cheated of the love which He should
have had...
Doesn't this sound like the day in which we now live?! Shouldn't we then be angry even as Paul was?!
Romans 5:17-- For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, JesusChrist.