God's Goodness

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I was meditating on the matrix of lies that ever pervades our world even from the beginning of time.  The lies that were believed centuries ago are still the same lies that are promoted today!  Whether it has to do with our God & His Word or the earth and it's creation, or the last days lies & fears about the future, or Romans 13 being an extension of  Romans 12, meaning we are not under the foul leaders & that we are not obliged to obey them, the teachings of the false preachers and teachers or any number of HOAX'S that have been taught to us from childhood and will continue.  Yet it is our privilege and responsibility to seek the truth and, most importantly, to LOVE THE TRUTH  so we can move forward with our Lord and experience new places of freedom in Him!  Below is a little writing that I was inspired to write while I was musing on the world of lies and the goodness of God.

The world system is a matrix of LIES
It always was--from the beginning and even so--it is NOW.
Look not for any answers within it's covert and overt CRIES
Look only to your Perfect God of Truth and BOW.

O God, my beautiful Creator, I worship YOU
I love the way You feed me from your depths of KNOWLEDGE
So I can see and know all I am to Be and DO ~
With all my heart I thank You for Your protective HEDGE.

Here in your arms of love and COMFORT
I feel so safe from the barrage of DECEPTIONS
That ever rages across this world's COURT
To woo and entice the wandering darkened ONES.

There will never be enough WORDS
To thank You and praise You for all You mean to ME.
Your attentive care, Your Light and Your STANDARDS
Making clear for me everything I need to SEE.

And what do I see...that everything is upside down and BACKWARDS
Rabbit holes across this flat earth WITH NO BOTTOM IN SIGHT
Sheeple who are ever asleep, as though ZOMBIES
Caught and chained in a prison of DARKNESS.

Yet there will always be those who are ever SEEKING
And who love the truth...we are WIDE AWAKE!
In this I rejoice and celebrate life as NEVER BEFORE!
I enjoy my life and the lives of OTHER AWAKENED SOULS...
      And I laugh with a BRAND NEW, VICTORIOUS FREEDOM!